The article being:
Cables: Audio Epistemology, Intuitive and Counter-Intuitive,
Rachmaninoff, And My Grandmother
An Opinion by Max Dudious
Some of the errors are that he lists the Gold plated Brenda's as:
"directly plated to copper alloy"
This is incorrect. It should read:
"Gold on Silver Electroplate on Pure Copper Connectors"
i.e. the RCA's are machined from Pure Copper billett ( 99.94% Pure Copper ) and then Silver electroplate > 8 microns and then Gold Electroplate 1.5microns.
Brenda B9
John Woodlands.
Speakers: Legacy Focus
Cables: Twisted Pair Designs Clear Series digital, interconnect and speaker.
Evaluation Setup:
The Brenda™ was paired with current Twisted Pair Designs cable and some prototype cable.
For comparison, exact cables using WBT 0101 RCA connectors were also used.
It is our opinion that the Brenda™ is an excellent connector.
They seem to allow for the nuances in the recordings to shine through.
The Brenda™ gave a different, deeper (for the lack of any other way to describe it) soundstage than we had heard before on most reference tracks.
Build quality certainly seemed first rate. We can only imagine how impressive they must be when plated. ( See Note 1 ).
The only problem we encountered during the evaluation involved the physical size of Brenda™ . ( See Note 2 ).
The RCA females on all of the equipment we tried the connector on were definitely not spaced far enough apart to accommodate the Brenda™ comfortably. ( See Note 3 ).
On some pieces, it was necessary to force the females apart and in a particular instance to place a piece of insulating material between the Brenda™ 's. ( See Note 3 ).
The reality is that the connector does cause a mechanical problem on some current equipment.
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The sample B3's were supplied unplated because this particular set is the 'touring set' and is being supplied to any cable manufacturer who wishes to evaluate their performance. All Brenda's are supplied fully plated as per the Monopole® Specification
Mention is made of Brenda's Physical Size. The B3 is 99mm long and 18.5mm in diameter.
Refer to the section 'using Brenda's on this web page.
If you want to know how the BrendaTM fared against the WBT contact Twisted Pairs.