
The Audio Terminals / Pure Copper Binding Posts.

Why the Monopole®?

1987 1991/92 1992/93 M9 M10 1994/5




The M13 and IEC-65 and IEC-CE IEC-CE M14 M26
( The Feral Fox ) Banana's COMMON PROPERTIES OF THE M11; M13 ? M14 MONOPOLE®.


Welcome to the ‘private space’ of the original performance.



Carmine Bocchino

( Design Engineer and Governing Director of Bocchino Technologies )

Goto Monopoles® Pricing.

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Pure Silver                 has an electrical conductivity of 0.630 106/cm-Ohm     105.7%     that of Copper.
Pure Copper             has an electrical conductivity of 0.596 106/cm-Ohm      100%       that of Copper.
Pure Gold                has an electrical conductivity of 0.452 106/cm-Ohm         75.8%     that of Copper.
Rhodium                 has an electrical conductivity of 0.211 106/cm-Ohm         35.4%     that of Copper.
Nickel             has an electrical conductivity of 0.143 106/cm-Ohm 24% that of Copper.
Brass              has an electrical conductivity of 0.137 106/cm-Ohm 23% that of Copper.
Tin                has an electrical conductivity of 0.092 106/cm-Ohm 15.4% that of Copper.
Carbon            has an electrical conductivity of 0.00061 106/cm-Ohm 0.102% that of Copper.

                     Hence Silver is the best room temperature electrical conductor in the known universe: followed by Copper and then Gold. Gold has the distinct advantage in that it does not corrode and hence electrical contacts plated with Gold remain corrosion free for most of their working life and conduct the electrical with minimum distortion or heat dissipation. ( Gold has an albido of 1: it gives what it gets ).
Brass and Nickel used in standard audio electrical binding posts each have conductivities 4 times less than Copper or Silver. Doubtless economics and fashion plays an important part in the choice of materials. Not every manufacturer will  fabricate their componentry from the best available materials;l but with good marketing you can sell anything!
Presently room temperature super-conductors are not yet available. We are stuck with Copper, Silver and Gold; which I think will do for the time being.
If you want an independent opinion on the electrical and other properties of the elements download the Periodic Table Software from SMI Software site .
Or go to the Web elements by clicking these links.


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