The only range of Bare Wire HCOFC***  Copper RCA interconnectors anywhere in the world.

(refer to note 2 )
When I started my design process of designing an  RCA type interconnect connector that would accommodate bare wire, it occurred to me that with the Monopoles®, WireTailsTM and WireGrubsTM  within the signal chain the final item to assist the listener to enter into the ‘private space’ of the original performance would be a bare-wire interconnect connector component.
One of the residents on the farm was a very private ‘person', we called her Brenda. No one could get closer than a few meters to her. The domain of her privacy we called her private space. As an original name was being sought for the new component what better name than Brenda.
After all the connector allowed the user to enter the ‘private space' of the original performance.


Brenda™ B2: "The Ultimate".

Brenda B2 Connector and Cables prices.

BrendaTM B3: 'The Rocket'.

The BrendaTM B3 is the standard production BrendaTM.  Whereas the BrendaTM B2 has the earth insertion cylinder seamless  to the RCA chassis receptor transition interface; the BrendaTM B3 has the Earth insertion cylinder  coupled behind the Signal insertion cylinder. This enables a smaller diameter BrendaTM   while still using a locking cylinder as with the BrendaTM B2. All other design aspects of the BrendaTM B2 have been incorporated in the BrendaTM B3.
The Brenda™ B3 is more adaptable for low profile appliances where its size is more easily accommodated  // and where the RCA chassis receptors on the appliance where the BrendaTM is being used, are at least at 19mm ( 3/4inch )  centers or greater. The BrendaTM B3 has an overall diameter of 17.7mm ( just over 11/16th inch ).

Its component parts are:
The Claw: this is where the BrendaTM B3 clamps onto the chassis receptor.
The Signal Pin: This is where the Signal wire ( the positive pole ) is secured into its cylinder with twin grub-screws.
The Anchor: This is where the Earth and shield wires are secured, also with twin grub-screws.
The ClawLockTM: The ClawLockTM is almost as long as the BrendaTM B3 itself. It screws back over the Claw to secure the BrendaTM B3 onto its chassis receptor. The ClawLockTM is machined from solid Copper Billet  ( no other locking interconnector component anywhere in the world today has a Copper ClawLockTM )  and acts as the perfect shield for the internals of the BrendaTM B3.

Review at avs forum

Detail of BrendaTM B3

Click here to see the B3 working.

Brenda B3 Connector and Cables prices.


BrendaTM Design Features.

( Applies to the Bare Wire BrendaTM )
All BrendaTMconnectors are fabricated from HCOFC***  Copper, they are then electroplated with a minimum of 8 microns of Silver  and then electroplated with a minimum of 1.0 micron of Gold.
Insulation used to isolate the polarities within the pole assembly is Teflon®.
The BrendaTM B3 and BrendaTM B2 connectors use a locking cylinder  ( refer to Note 1 )  ( referred to as a ClawLockTM ) to secure itself to the operational appliances’ chassis receptor.
                The (bare wire) BrendaTM  connectors will accommodate nearly all currently available interconnect wires without destroying their fine crystalline ( single crystalline ) structure with heat as happens at the time of soldering.
This allows the listener to totally benefit from the advances made in materials in the last 10 years.
The BrendaTMinterconnect connector component is available in sets of 4 allowing the end-user to install whatever interconnect wire they wish to install.
The great advantage of the BrendaTM connector is that even the cheapest interconnect cables, once inserted into the BrendaTM connector, begin to outshine cables costing twenty and even one hundred times the per meter price.
Enabling their owner to upgrade to the more expensive cables when the budget allows and obtain sublime performance from them not possible by any other means.
All ( bare wire ) Brenda'sTM are unconditionally stable for phase and impedance at all audio frequencies.
What this means, is that  audio imaging is unrivaled and the most stable possible, their is no smearing due to solder induced artefacts.
Standard electroplate for all Brenda's is a minimum of 5.0+ microns of Silver and 1.0+ microns of pure Gold.
The Signal pins are electroplated with 3.0+ microns of pure gold.

Brenda B11

'The Majestic'
    Identical design paradigm to the BrendaTM  B2 the BrendaTM B11 is a single piece RCA type connector. It has been designed to be able to be used with those appliances that have their chassis RCA receptors at half inch (12.7mm ) spacings ( which is the standard spacing on most audio appliances ).
Unlike the BrendaTM B2 'The  Ultimate' the BrendaTM  B11 does not have a ‘ClawLockTM'.
It is a push fit connector.
 Its dimensions are 61mm long x 21mm high x 12.4mm wide.
Insertion cylinders for the earth signal ( negative and shield ) is 4.4 mm and for the signal wire ( positive ) is
4.0 mm diameter.
The BrendaTM  B11 is a bare wire unshielded RCA type connector.
    The BrendaTM  B11 costs the same price as the B3.

Brenda B11 Connector and Cables prices.

    Bocchino Audio InterCONnectors
Ultimate BAICON:
comprises the Brenda™ B2 and Rectangular Section Fine Silver ( 99.99% ) 15.0mm wide x 0.4 mm thick sealed in Teflon piping and secured into the B2 with high pressure using the B2's grub screws.
Standard length is 1.0meters.
Brenda B2 Connector and Cables prices.

Rocket BAICON:
Comprises the Brenda™ B3 and uses rectangular section Fine Silver ( 99.99% ) 7.0 mm wide x 0.3mm thick in Teflon piping and is secured into the B3  with high pressure using the B3's grub screws.
Standard length is 1.0 meters.
Brenda B3 Connector and Cables prices.


Ambrosia is a fully assembled interconnector assembly using the Brenda B3 connector which has been electroplated with 15+ microns of silver and 6 microns of pure gold. It uses rectangular section pure gold wire for the signal and ultra pure silver for the return. I made a set of these, on request, for an audiophile. After auditioning them I now offer them as a standard fully made-up interconnector assembly.
Their performance takes audio to another level I never thought possible. At first I noticed a level of detail and intimacy that surpassed the standard Silver assemblies that I fabricate; but what impressed me most was the degree of emotional involvement. After listening to Mahler's 4th symphony with Ambrosia I felt that I had entered his soul at the time of its composition.
Ambrosia is as much a spiritual experience as it is a window on just how excellent audio can be reproduced.

Other Metals
Using Brendas™.


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    OK serious audiophile: take a close look at your thousand dollar and multi thousand dollar single ended interconnectors.
    The RCA's on the ends are undoubtedly made from Brass ( some brasses are made with high purity copper but they are still brass and have less than 30% and nominally 23% the conductivity of pure copper )! And their performance is of a brass connector!
    I am still astonished as to how a manufacturer of an excellent cable terminates the excellent copper or silver metals into resistors ( Brass connectors ) at both ends!

    What are you paying for!

    Firstly an excellent crystalline metal conductor and then it is either soldered or arc-welded into a piece of  plated  brass which has a microscopically thin veneer of gold on a self magnetising thin Nickel  subplate!  ( another thin film resistor! );

    Secondly you are paying for a lot of marketing hype to get you to part with your money for a well packaged dream: But in the end it's all let down by the hopelessly cheap and useless RCA connector at the cable ends.

    Insist on having Brenda'sTM on your audio investment and maximise the performance attainable from the cable you buy.
    The BrendaTM is a precision Engineered component. Every aspect of its production is totally controlled and manufactured to the
    most exacting tolerances. No other RCA has had the attention of excellent materials, design, manufacture, and assembly that the BrendaTM has
    had. And no other RCA can match the Brenda'sTM performance.

    HCOFC: High Conductivity Oxygen Free Copper 99.94% Pure Copper
    Note 3
    Or some other copper or silver paste. Such pastes are available from plumbing supply stores; buy the one with the greatest percentage of copper; and also from Farnell, Radio Spares and Newark Electronics.