My system.
A Contan Pre-amp locally made in Melbourne using a double valve with
power regulated at every stage. No negative feedback. Amazing sonics. Brass
instruments never sounded so good. Hocol and caddock resistors through-out
kimber caps humungus power supply transformer. The pre-amp has undergone
more modifications at the hands of Bruno Kasum and now smarts a TDK attenuator
and beefed up power supply capacitance and regulation. And now fitted
with TC-9 and TC-14 TomCatsTM
An Audionix Power amp the BA-150 with M13MkV
Monopoles® with FM3 spades on the left channel and M14's with FM2
spades on the right. ( I’m the mechanic I’m allowed to do this! ).using
TomCatsTM at the input stage.
A Micro-Seiki table with outputs to the phono-stage fit into TomCatsTM
with an AudioQuest arm and Denon DL 160 cartridge all siting on a 2 inch
thick vesicular basalt slab supported with Mecado's.
The CD player with TC-3 TomCatsTM
for outputs also sitting atop 2 isolated vesicular basalt slabs with
a thinner vesicular basalt slab on top. All decoupled with Mecado's.
My speakers
are the Panda
Model 10 a design that I have been working on since 1988.
The design is a D'Appolito alignment 2-way design. The woofers now
wired with 25mm x 0.3mm Silver plated Pure Copper to Monopoles®.
( The production version has M13MkV
Monopoles® ).
The tweeter is wired with OCOS to Monopoles®.
Crossover is 6db with with a zoebel on the bass and 18db with equalisation
on the top; a single crossover frequency at 2600 Hz.
Each box weighs over 240Kg ( 1600h x 400w x 703d ) and sit on
In using firmly clamped unsoldered bare wire all the way from
the signal source then from the amplifier to the loudspeaker transducer,
with minimal componentry in the signal path, the quality of reproduction
is as close to live as modern technology allows .
to the ‘private space’ of the original performance.
Ideal System: (
subject to revision and much argument ).
Power Amp:
CD Transport:
CEC TL-1 or the TL-O and CD5100Z or any belt drive CD player fitted
with TomCatsTM
The distinct advantage of a belt drive CD platter is the minimisation
of the drive motors vibrations into the signal being read by the laser.
The wavelength of the laser is minute and the vertical oscillations
of the motor influences on the stability of the drive mechanism are enormous
compared to the laser oscillations.
Audition a belt drive CD transport // player ( Forsell also make one
) and you will soon notice an enormous difference in performance quality.
Audio Synthesis DAX-3 with provision for HDCD® TomCatsTM.
Uses lasers instead of a needle to read the music off the record.
Mikro-Seiki Air-Bearing and Vacuum Suction turntable / or Forsell, Walker
proscenium or other high quality Turntable, output fitted with TomCatsTM
Any Turntable that has RCA output sockets that has its brass output
sockets to TomCatsTM
pure Copper Sockets will deliver a superior performance to the Brass sockets
it presently has.
Wheaton Tri-Planar; forever debatable!
DL-S1 MC phono cartridge and matching AU-S1 step-up transformer.
Denon DL-160!
DynaVector Karat MC
Cables & Interconnects:
Speaker Cable:
Power Conditioner:
Epsilon 3.5KVA or 5KVA.
( Coming soon is B.A.I.T. a 5KVA isolation transformer for audio
B.A.I.T. : Bocchino Audio Isolation Transformer ).
Mechanical Isolation Platform:
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Note 1.: HDCD® is a registered trademark belonging
to Pacific Micro-Systems USA.
Note2: Monopoles® is a registered trademark
belonging to Carmine Bocchino, Australia.