Dr. Bruno Kasum
Manufactures some superb valve pre-amplifiers that are extremely
fast and very very clear.
Uses a dual power supply so as to completely separate high voltages
from low voltages for the valves.
Is not afraid to install the best components on request.
Now installs the TomCatsTM
TC-14 RCA in his top of the line pre-amp.
Also now available is a 100 watt pure triode 6550 Power amp with TomCatsTM
and Monopoles®.
On their own, his pre-amps sound absoultely superb.
Manufactures a superb interconnect using ultrafine Silver Solid core
with the BrendaTM
RCA connectors
Also manufactures an all analogue WeinBridge speed controller for Linn
Will install TomCatsTM
and Monopoles® into his components and
is over the moon about BrendaTM
Now offers a range of interconnect cables using BrendaTM
Telephone: 04303 29 347
International: +61 4 303 29 347
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