Use BrendaTM
in their superb custom made interconnecor cables.
Monopoles® on their Loudspeakers
which use Elac Tweeters.
Very sweet sounding.
Proprietary hand made loudspeaker Cables that deliver very quiet yet
fast and clear dynamics.
M16 Monopoles®
in their new range of A/V power amplifiers and speakers.
73 Newman St Thornbury, Melbournd: Victoria 3071, Australia
Uses the BrendaTM
B7 on his top-shelf cables.
Cawsey now produces a Power Box Line Filter.
Using some esoteric circuit topologies their line filter works superbly
for both
audio systems and for computer systems.
Cawsey's new A/V amplifier modules are now available.
A series of Monoblocs and digital volume controls on the pre-amplifiers
offers superb audio.
Telephone International: +61 (0) 3 94844555
Facsimile +61 (0) 3 94845599
Garry Cawsey.
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