This Web Page contains all the access paths to all the product descriptions of all the products designed and fabricated by Carmine Bocchino. It also contains all the Retail prices.
Many of the descriptions have superscript numbers. These refer to the footnotes at the bottom of the article. Use the 'back' and 'forward' icon buttons on your browser to go to and fro from these.
In all there are fifteen ( 29 ) product groups and over 9000 variations across the product range. Only the mosr common are listed on the website. Take your time browsing. There is enough information within the individual product web pages to fully describe the function for which each individual product and its variants are intended. If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact me.
Manufacturers, Distributors, Resellers, OEM's ( Original Equipment
Manufacturers ) and Retailers are invited to contact me to request the
Wholesale catalogue address. The Wholesale catalogue is for quantity buyers
only. When requesting this address please forward some information on the
nature of your enterprise.
Thank you!