Due to the very high electrical conductivity ( in most instances
in the nano-ohm range ) the passage of the electrical signal is very fast.
The benefit of this is that all transients are extremely fast which
delivers virtually zero colouration from the musical signal.
The very high electrical conductivity allows an enormous amount
of information to flow through.
Listening becomes more intimate and all spatial cues from the original
recording are better presented.
The listener goes from the flat '3D' so often mentioned by reviewers
to a full bloom.
Dynamic range is extended to the maximum possible.
This is especially noticed in the bare wire RCA .
With the absence of solder in the signal path and with the interconnect
wire firmly secured into the BrendaTM
Connector, there is no transition medium for the signal to transit to go
from the wire to the interconnector metal.
Further, by virtue of the wire being firmly fastened into the metal
of the BrendaTM,
in a copper or silver paste bath, signal transfer is as pure as is technologically
possible without destroying the fine crystalline structure of the wire,
and the obvious audio benefits that such a linear crystalline structure
affords to the clear reproduction of music. Soldering imposes
a transit medium and arc welding totally destroys the mono-crystalline
structure of linear crystal metals at the transition interface. Defeating
the initial purpose of having linear crystal metal in the first place.
Consequently, using the bare wire BrendaTM
sound quality is unparalleled; definition and imaging are at their maximum
best and ease of listening improves beyond anything available today. The
listener keeps coming back to listen to more of their music collection
and for longer periods of time and remaining more relaxed during and after
each session. When used as the audio link in a home theatre system,
distinction between different sounds and their timbral contrast improves
immensely and so too does the quality of diction in speech reproduction;
as well as voice in singing.
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