To date all interconnects have been either the XLR or RCA type of design. All other alternative interconnectors have incorporated soldered links at the signal transition interface. Though some of the alternatives are better than either of the traditional interconnects they have not presented a significant improvement for the signal transfer interface. Alternative connector designs all rely on 'push-fit' connectors. Even if their internal wire-clamping component is the best ever, relying on 'push-fit' only results in a marginal improvement.
As you would expect by now, the extensive design work done by Bocchino Audio on perfecting the bare-wire design interface has now reached the interconnector. Consequently this design exercise, though having produced four new interconnector designs, has resulted in requiring a new approach to the design of audio appliances. Whereas, for a single stereo channel RCA connector, only one connector is required, when using MinMin-LightsTM, two MinMin-LightsTM are required. Twice the amount. The principal design paradigm for the MinMin-LightTMis that each wire polarity of the interconnector wire has its own ‘pole' its own MinMin-LightTM!
MinMin-LightsTM do not require special connector components. The MinMin-LightTM is the connector component. The interconnector wire has its ends stripped and each end is secured into its own distinct MinMin-LightTM receptive cylinder with grub screws. The MinMin-LightTM is secured into and straddles the appliance interface and ( half inside the appliance and half outside the appliance ) the internal connecting wires within the appliance are also secured into the MinMin-LightTM with grub screws. Consequently the degree of efficiency of signal transmission is the best possible. Only fusion welding of the connecting wires at the appliance interface is better.
All MinMin-LightTM designs carry the prefix ‘ML-X'. The first two designs were an evolution towards the final four designs. And these have now been narrowed down to just 2.
The designs are as follows:
The use of solder only serves to ‘hold' the wire into place and does not maintain a high-pressure contact to facilitate the efficient transfer of the audio signal across the transition interface. In a soldered connection the signal has to transit through a substance whose resistance is greater then either of the media carrying the audio signal.
When using the MinMin-LightTM for linking up a balanced line then the holes' centres should be placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of 30mm per side.
This is the most popular and equal in performance to the ML-3
ML-3's are spaced at 30 millimetre centres both vertically and horizontally and preferably at 33 millimetre centres so as to give ease of access. The ML-6 MinMin-LightTM are spaced at a minimum of 20 millimetre centres and preferably between 22 and 25 millimetre centres both vertically and horizontally. The ML-6 MinMin-LightTM do not come with insulating shoulder washers but the ML-3 does. This is because the ML-6's are designed to be direct threaded into their mounting panel and for the mounting panel to be fabricated from an electrically inert substance. Such as epoxy/phenolic board; Teflon sheet; Delrin sheet; densified wood and similar products. Similarly the ML-3 can also be mounted in this manner and hence the pricing is listed as ‘dressed' and ‘undressed'.
Installation of the interconnect wire into the MinMin-LightTM is very easy. It involves just inserting the bare wire into the insertion cylinder and fastening down the grub-screw with the allan key supplied. Presto! the worlds' best interconnector binding post. Do not over-tighten as the MinMin-LightTMis fabricated from Copper; one of the softest and least malleable metals and you also run the risk of cutting the signal wire. Firm securing is sufficient as the grub-screws are made from stainless steel and if over tightened will strip the thread. All that is needed is to maintain the wire securely and firmly into its holding cylinder in the MinMin-LightTM.
One suggestion is to smear the ends of the wire with ROCOL J166 prior to fastening into the MinMin-LightTM. This coats the wire with an electrically anti-oxidising paste.
Until this happens there will appear new and different connectors that will be better than the RCA or XLR connector but will not always be universally adapted. The MinMin-LightsTM are one such new connector system.
The convenience of the RCA is its ease of fitment. The RCA connector is easily removed and put on to any appliance. The MinMin-LightsTM are designed to address the minimization of signal degradation at the appliance interface and consequently their design evolved more from a ‘scientific / engineering' consideration.
The psychology behind the MinMin-LightsTM is based on the assumption that people do not frequently swap their interconnects around and would welcome the benefits despite the mild inconvenience of using a screw driver to tighten and loosen the grub-screws each time that they proposed an interconnector cable upgrade or moved their appliances.
Audio equipment reviewers will probably curse the requirement for ‘fiddling about' as opposed to the just ‘plug and play' convenience of more conventional connectors.