Centimeters |
Vesicular Basalt
Slabs are $USD 289.00 each + Postage For the standard size only.STANDARD SIZE IS 43CM * 40CM * 4CM
Weight: 19.5 Kilogrammes fully packed
Custom Sizes available. POA.Slate
$USD 780.00
Weight: Fully Packed: 19.5 Kilogrammes
Custom Sizes available. POA.Freight rates below are for both slabs:
Weight is 19kg inclusive of packaging.
Within Australia: Delivery is generally within 7 days.
Surface mail to any country not available due to breakage risk.
AirMail to all other countries is: $USD 650.00 ( Delivery is within 2 - 4 weeks ).
EMS Courier to all other countries: $USD 650.00 ( Delivery is 3 - 5 working days ).
FEDEX AIR is $USD 525.00 to North America and Europe.
Unless you have your own account.Almost any size is availalbe.
Please inquire regarding custom sizing and freight charges that apply.Freight is not inclusive in the slab price.
Allow 1 - 3 weeks for delivery of your order..
Dedicated kits are isolation kits for some loudspeakers.
These Kits are designed to custom fit their target loudspeaker.
The first of these is dedicated to the Duntech Sovereign loudspeakers.
Many owners emplace the Duntech Sovereigns directly on the floor.
Nothing could be worse!
Emplacing the Duntech Sovereigns directly on the floor sees this magnificent loudspeaker driving the floor!
Consequence is that there is muffling in the bass and confusion in imaging and texture.
Massed orchestra sounds more like messed orchestra.
To achieve best results the Duntech Sovereigns have to be decoupled from the floor.
Bocchino Technologies has provided isolation systems for Duntech Sovereign and now offers these directly for these loudspeakers for existing and new owners.
Consequence of installing the Bocchino Technologies isolation system is an immediate improvement in Bass Definition, tautness, accuracy and Articulation.
Sound Image focusing of stereo imaging and intrument timbral accuracy; not to mention better placement and intimacy of vocals.
As the Duntech Sovereign is a superbly built and designed loudspeaker either the Tungsten Mecados are offered or Titanium as these deliver the absolute best for the Sovereigns.This also applies to all heavy floor standing loudspeakers and all slabs and plywood are cut to client specification.
Simplest is just 4 x Tungsten MECADOS for each Duntech Sovereign and especially effective where the Duntech Sovereigns are currently emplaced on a concrete or masonry floor.
This does not require any slab and the total of 8 x Tungsten MECADOS are offered at a very reasonable price.8 x Tungsten Mecados: $9,950.00
8 x Titanium Mecados: $3,950.00
Duntech Sovereign
Where the Duntech Sovereign are direcely emplaced onto a wooden floor.
Here a different system is offered.
Utilising a sheet of High density plywood with one stone slab: Slate or Vesicular Basalt and 4 Tungsten MECADOS per Duntech Sovereign.
Tungsten Price: $12,500.00 plus freight.
Titanium Price: $5,450.00
Method 2 Kit includes:
( 8 x Tungsten Mecados + 2 High Density Plywood sheets + 2 x either of Slate or Vesicular Stone ).( 8 x Titanium + 2 High Density Plywood sheets + 2 either Slate or Vesicular Stone : $5,450.00 ).
Wooden Floor
High Densigy Plywood
Duntech Sovereign
Method 3
This is where the Duntech Sovereigns are on Carpet.
Method2 will do but for the excellent decoupling for a hard surface. With Method 3 Method 2 is augmented with an additional 4 Tungsten Mecados where the configuration is:
Floor // Carpet
High Densigy Plywood
Duntech SovereignTungsten Price: $18,500.00 plus freight.
Titanium Price: $7,450.00
Method3 Kit includes:
( 16 x Tungsten Mecados + 2 High Density Plywood sheets + 4 x Stone either Slate or Vesicular Basalt ).( 16 x Titanium + 2 High Density Plywood sheets + 2 either Slate or Vesicular Stone : $,7,450.00 ).
Ultimate isolation:
Method3 and exclusively for Slate slab utilising 2 additional Granite Stone to protect the Slate from compression effects of shouldering the weight of the Duntech Sovereigns.Floor or Carpet
High Density Plywood
Intermediate 20mm Granite Slab
Slate Stone
Top 20mm Granite Slab
MECADOSTungsten Pricing: $23,350.00
Titanium Pricing: $9,950.00
( 16 x Tungsten Mecados + 2 High Density Plywood sheets + 4 x Granite Stone + 2 Slate Stone )
( 16 x Titanium + 2 High Density Plywood sheets + 4 Granite Stone +2 either Slate or Vesicular Stone : $9,950.00 ).
Slabs and High Density Plywood are all custom cut to the dimensions of the footprint of the Duntech Sovereigh or other loudspeaker as client specified.
Fully packed and boxed and deliverable within 3 weeks.
FedEx freight is extra and the preferred freighter for this kit.These kits are for large and heavy floor standing loudspeakers.
Other kits.
Whatever loudspeaker you may have the above kits are available.
Sitting a huge loudspeaker on the floor without decoupling robs the owner of the full capability of what such magnificent loudspeakers are able to offer.
Inquiry welcome.
Email Click the letterbox.