The only range of Bare Wire HCOFC  Copper RCA interconnectors anywhere in the world.

When I started my design process of designing an  RCA type interconnect connector that would accommodate bare wire, it occurred to me that with the Monopoles®, WireTailsTM and WireGrubsTM  within the signal chain the final item to assist the listener to enter into the ‘private space’ of the original performance would be a bare-wire interconnect connector component.
One of the residents on the farm was a very private ‘person', we called her Brenda. No one could get closer than a few meters to her. The domain of her privacy we called her private space. As an original name was being sought for the new component what better name than Brenda.
After all the connector allowed the user to enter the ‘private space' of the original performance.

The design exercise for the BrendaTM B1 not only drove me and my household a tad wacky but also met with comments such as ‘impossible’ and ‘can't be done’ from two of the most advanced machine shops in the country. Even the one where the engineer  was adamant that ‘we can do anything!’ also ran for cover. Fortunately he came out again and a fabrication process was worked out.
